Eagle Scout Information
To achieve the highest rank in scouting, the Eagle rank, Tyler Sepsey needs to organize and complete a project for the benefit of a community. We are glad he chose our faith community, and the project he is undertaking is worthy of such a prestigious rank.
Tyler will be reinstalling a large iron crucifix in St. Peter Cemetery that was taken down years ago because its concrete base was terribly corroded and quite dangerous. If you would like to help pay for the materials needed for this monumental project, just click on www.givesendgo.com/GCU5N or scan this QR code right from your monitor.
Spiritual Warfare Rosary: Every Wednesday evening 6:00 pm
St. Padre Pio declared, “The Rosary is the weapon for these times.” Especially now the world is in great need of this weapon to combat hatred, anxiety, illness, and hardship. ... It is said that the Rosary is a chain that links heaven and earth, with one end in our hands and the other in the hands of Our Holy Mother.
Msgr. Joe invites you to join him the in the Church every Wednesday evening at 6:00pm as he prays for the intentions of our Blessed Mother.
Prayers and Squares: Second Thursday of the month at 1:30pm in the Parish Hall
There is nothing more comforting than a blanket or shawl woven with love and prayers!
What better way to spend time than to sit around chit-chatting with your parish family creating beautiful blankets or prayer shawls for those who need our prayers and comfort. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, no worries. We are here to share our talents with you. We will teach anyone what they need to know to create the most beautiful and comfortable blankets.
If anyone would like a prayer shawl or blanket for themselves of someone else, please contact Elaine at 815-678-9932.